Polarbar Mailer Utilities
I have a replacement treebar.gif icon set for the Polarbar 1.20 folder tree icons, a Java program to aid in migrating address books from Compuserve to Polarbar, and two C++ programs to aid in migrating both messages and address books from Netscape Messenger to Polarbar.
Replacement Folder Tree Icons
TreeBar icons
To use this replacement folder tree icon set (the icons are 32x32), download the treebar.gif image file and place it in a subdirectory named 'image' off of your Polarbar directory, and ensure that the current directory (.) is included ahead of your Polarbar zip file in your Java classpath. (For example, on my system, the treebar.gif file is in 'C:\Polarbar\image' and my JRE 1.1.8 -cp command line parameter list reads '.;C:\Polarbar\polarbar.zip'.)
Compuserve Address Book Migration
This Java program exports all of the address book entries from a Compuserve address book to a comma-delimited file named 'CServe.txt'. This file can then be imported into a Polarbar address book using the Polarbar address book import utility. The sequence of the fields is: Compuserve address book entry number, optional Polarbar nickname, full name, email address, and notes.
The utility takes one command line parameter that specifies the name of the file that holds the Compuserve address book. The CServe.txt file is always created in the current directory. Syntax example:
NOTE: This program has only been tested with a Compuserve Version 3 address book.
Download the Java source code
Download the Java class file
Here's the output from the program if you run it without any command line parameters (e.g. "java CServe" or "jre -cp . CServe"):
Compuserve address book export utility, version 1.1

Syntax: java CServe addressbook [add_nicks]
or: jre -cp . CServe addressbook [add_nicks]

which exports the specified Compuserve addressbook file to a comma-delimited
file named CServe.txt and displays a progress indicator every 25 addresses.
Each record in the file consists of the Compuserve addressbook entry number,
the adressbook entry name, the addressbook entry email address, and the address
book entry notes. The fields are comma separated and all fields but the entry
and email address are quote delimited. The first record is a field name header.

If the optional add_nicks command line parameter is used, then the Compuserve
addressbook entry name is used to create a nickname that is inserted after the
entry number and ahead of the name. It does not matter what the add_nicks value
is, just that the extra parameter is present. Nicknames are created by forcing
the name to lower case and replacing all characters that are not valid nickname
characters with dashes.
Netscape Messenger Message Migration
This C++ program extracts all of the messages from a Netscape Messenger folder into individual POP files. Because the POP file names are derived from the system clock, you will need to ensure that your system clock does not get set back while the utility is running (or between runs if you are combining multiple Netscape Messenger folders into a single Polarbar folder). If you don't want to extract deleted messages, you will need to compact your Netscape folders before using the utility.
The utility takes two command line parameters. The first one specifies the name of the file that holds the Netscape Messenger folder. The second one specifies the name of the directory that the POP files will be placed into. The directory must already exist. Syntax example:
NS2POP2 "C:\Netscape\Users\Default\Mail\Drafts" "C:\PBM\Mailer\Maildata\Default\Drafts"
Download the C++ source code
Download the 32-bit OS/2 version of the program
Download the 32-bit Windows version of the program
Netscape Messenger Address Book Migration
This C++ program extracts all of the address book entries from a Netscape Messenger address book that has been exported to a .ldif file. This program creates Polarbar address books directly without using the Polarbar address book import tool, using the same base file name as the exported Netscape address book, but with the extension changed to ".AddressBook.html". If a Polarbar address book with the same name already exists, then an error message is displayed and the address book migration does not take place. If you are using short file names with Polarbar, you will have to rename the migrated address book file before using it with Polarbar.
To use a migrated address book globally, copy it to the MAILER subdirectory in your Polarbar directory. To use a migrated address book privately, copy it to the desired account directory under the MAILDATA subdirectory, which is under the MAILER directory.
Beta 3 adds migration of Netscape lists to Polarbar groups and attempts to use the value in the Netscape nickname, full name, or organization fields (in the listed precedence order) for the Polarbar nickname field. Planned features include ensuring that migrated nicknames are not duplicated in or between address books, automatically detecting the use of short Polarbar file names, and optionally placing the migrated address books directly into Polarbar's Mailer directory (for public address books) or into specific account directories (for private address books).
The utility takes two command line parameters. The first one specifies the name of the file that holds an exported Netscape Messenger address book. The second one specifies the first default nickname value, which will be treated as a numeric integer, unless it doesn't start with a numeric digit. This value is incremented after each address book entry is migrated, but it is only used as the Polarbar nickname if the Netscape address book entry has neither a full name nor an organization name. Syntax example:
NSA2PBM "C:\Netscape\Users\Default\Mail\Friends.ldif" 1000
Download the C++ source code
Download the 32-bit OS/2 version of the program (Beta 3)
Download the 32-bit Windows version of the program (Beta 3)
Misc. Information
Visit the Polarbar Mailer web site
Visit the Polarbar Mailer mirror site
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